Case Study: How Flatiron Health Gained Visibility and Control Over Total Platform Costs

Yotascale News

Managing Cloud Governance Costs Collaboratively

For those responsible for managing infrastructure, the concept of governance is common, especially as it relates to cloud services. For cloud services, it’s defined as a framework that guides how end users use these services by defining and creating policies to control costs,

Letting Your Product Do the Talking with Yotascale

Product-led growth (PLG) is defining the SaaS industry as more and more vendors are allowing customers to see how their products work firsthand through demos and freemium trials. At the core of many PLG companies, however, are the people that built them and the experiences that led them to fill their specific niche of the market.

Identifying and Trimming Hidden Container Costs

The majority of Kubernetes workloads are underutilizing CPU and memory, according to a report from DataDog, “11 Facts About Real-World Container Use.” While it’s important to allocate room for fluctuation, an unnecessary amount of waste may be prevalent among Kubernetes deployments. Such waste could be a contributing factor in the $17 billion lost annually on unused or idle cloud resources.