Case Study: How Flatiron Health Gained Visibility and Control Over Total Platform Costs

Looking for a CloudHealth Replacement?

Consider switching off CloudHealth to Yotascale. Here's what you need to know.

Switch to Yotascale

Companies are finding it increasingly challenging to manage their cloud costs and optimize their infrastructure with CloudHealth

CloudHealth has helped customers to manage costs but as its solution has become dated, it is time for a replacement. 48 hour wait times for reports, automation rules not updating automatically, being required to manually edit static rules in JSON are just a few of its shortcomings. There are several reasons why customers should consider switching to Yotascale.

Unified View of Cloud Spend

Forget about viewing each cloud provider separately and manually calculating totals. Yotascale provides a single pane view of all your cloud infrastructure and platform services spend in one place.  Now you can manage your total platform engineering costs in one place, in real-time.

Optimize cloud usage and savings

Cost Optimization Engine

Yotascale offers a proprietary cost optimization engine using machine learning, advanced analytics, and real-time reporting, enabling engineers to act on insights on their cloud usage and spending. Designed by engineers, for engineers, Yotascale fits into operational processes with real-time monitoring and recommendations for optimizing cloud resources.

Container Cost Allocation

Yotascale provides clear visibility into Kubernetes resources, their costs, and the allocation of those costs by namespace, pod, deployment, and labels.

Allocate your multi-cloud cost

Fast Response

Yotascale delivers cost analysis insights in seconds not hours or days. Ask the Yotascale GenAI interface, Yota Co-pilot, for immediate answers during your CFO meetings. FinOps can change allocation rules with full historical analysis ready in minutes. Waiting 48 hours for CloudHealth to update your allocation analysis every time you change it will be a thing of the past.

Transparent Pricing

Yotascale’s transparent flat fee pricing model provides predictability and further differentiates it from CloudHealth.

Predict cloud spend

Your CloudHealth Replacement is Yotascale

Yotascale provides total platform visibility with state-of-the-art GenAI Yota Co-pilot, self-updating automations, and predictable pricing, making it a more attractive option for companies seeking to modernize their cloud management processes.

Switch from Cloud Health to Yotascale

Trusted by enterprises like yours​
