Case Study: How Flatiron Health Gained Visibility and Control Over Total Platform Costs

Cloud cost optimization for engineers

Cloud cost optimization tools your engineers will actually use.

Yotascale Cloud Cost Optimization

Empower engineers to control their own budgets

Engineering teams get understandably frustrated when finance and budget owners come to them with lengthy spreadsheets and complex budget reports, asking for reductions to cloud resource usage that seem difficult or impossible to reach. 

 Instead of having unproductive, rearview-mirror conversations that end in countless follow-ups and delays, Yotascale’s cloud cost optimization tools empower engineers to take active ownership of their cloud costs and collaborate more effectively with finance teams and budget owners.

What makes Yotascale different?

Automated tagging, modern architecture support, and actionable recommendations that engineers love.


Deep system & business context

Scales with cloud complexity


  • Deep business & system context
  • Scales with cloud complexity
  • Unified view of multi-cloud spend
  • Engineering centric

First-Gen Cost Mgmt

Legacy cost management products

  • Static custom reporting
  • Minimal system and business context
  • Frustrates engineering teams

Cloud Provider Tools

Native cost management tools from AWSAzure, etc.

  • Basic reporting and recommendations
  • Does not scale beyond certain complexity
  • Single cloud view only
  • Not engineering centric

Point Solutions

Limited functionality and narrow scope

  • Lack of enterprise & business context
  • Limited support for native + non-native
  • More engineering centric

Deep system & business context

Scales with cloud complexity

Engineering centric

  • Deep business & system context
  • Scales with cloud complexity
  • Engineering centric

First-Gen Cost Mgmt

Legacy cost management products

Deep system & business context

Scales with cloud complexity

Engineering centric

  • Static custom reporting
  • Minimal system and business context
  • Frustrates engineering teams

Cloud Provider Tools

Native cost management tools from AWS, Azure, etc.

Deep system & business context

Scales with cloud complexity

Engineering centric

  • Basic reporting and recommendations
  • Does not scale beyond certain complexity
  • Not engineering centric

Point Solutions

Limited functionality and narrow scope

Deep system & business context

Scales with cloud complexity

Engineering centric

  • Lack of enterprise & business context
  • Limited support for native + non-native
  • More engineering centric

What does empowered engineering look like?


Give engineers the information they need to take ownership of cloud costs and make smarter decisions


Spend a lot less time manually tagging cloud resources and chasing cost anomalies


Let your engineers do their best work to drive greater profitability and sustainability

What can Yotascale do for you?

Your engineers are the backbone of your company’s cloud services, but are they empowered with the tools and information they need to make smarter decisions about their cloud cost / performance?

Clear attribution of cloud costs and resources to the team level

Automated tagging to eliminate “death-by-tagging”

Actionable recommendations by team / application with closed-loop engineering feedback

Real-time cost anomaly detection, with detailed information of where the anomaly is occurring

Your cloud environment is complex, and your centralized team is tasked with managing your resources across multiple engineering teams and applications. But do you have the information you need to know if the resources you’ve assigned to your teams are being well utilized?

Automated tagging rules to identify untagged resources and normalize tagging names for the most accurate cost attribution

Intuitive cost analytics ‘out-of-box’, in your business context

Deep, unified view of all cloud costs, including containers and Kubernetes

Integrated with the tools your team uses (Slack, Jira, etc)

Finance has the responsibility to negotiate the best prices they can for cloud services, but how do you know how much reserved instances or savings plans are the best fit? How can you see out-of-control cloud spending as it happens, rather than when the cloud bill comes due?

M/L driven budgeting and forecasting provides detailed recommendations for reserved instance and savings plan investments

Real-time cost anomaly detection with detailed alerts

Cloud cost attribution in your business context for the most accurate cost and margin analysis

Automated workflows empowers finance and engineering teams to work smarter together

Do you truly know what your profit margins are by cloud product / service? Are you really getting the most value from our cloud? You have questions, and you need a solution that gives you answers you can trust to evaluate your current and future cloud investments.


Unified view of all cloud costs, with simple, easy to understand reports

Detailed, accurate cloud COGS that matches your business context

Company wide budgeting and forecasting improves forecasts up to 90%


Learn more about why you need dynamic cloud cost optimization

White Paper

This white paper explores diverse strategies, tools, and best practices for Kubernetes cloud cost management, enabling teams to achieve cost-efficiency without compromising performance or reliability.


In this webinar, you’ll learn from Okta’s engineering based approach to making data-driven decisions that yield sustained savings.

Case Study

Thanks to the visibility provided by Yotascale, ParkMobile is reducing costs by rightsizing resources and able to make better decisions for the future.