Case Study: How Flatiron Health Gained Visibility and Control Over Total Platform Costs

1. How heroes kill culture

In this episode, Asim Razzaq defines what is toxic heroism in the field of software engineering. Many engineers do not recognize this trait, and for Asim, it is important to show how it could affect the performance and output of a company on a long-term basis.

[01:37] Problem of hero hailing engineers
[02:50] Why it gets toxic
[03:17] Asim’s experience
[07:18] Solution

Show notes:

Going Against Morale
While it is important to credit engineers for all the daily tasks and solutions they provide for companies, it is still important to check in on them and see if these little success stories aren’t going to their head. When someone is afflicted by a “toxic hero” state of mind, they often take shortcuts or rely on small and temporary wins that are materialized externally to a point that they think is always right. This, in return, creates a bad environment for colleagues who may be discouraged to work as a team or craft new ideas to solutions, which may not be aligned with the aforementioned “hero’s” point of view.

Taking a Step Back
When you feel like these wins are getting to your head or if you notice that your colleagues are no longer contributing ideas to your group huddles, then it is definitely time to take a self-evaluation on whether or not you are creating a toxic hero environment for your workplace. The sooner you identify these signs, the sooner you can reconnect with your team.

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