Case Study: How Flatiron Health Gained Visibility and Control Over Total Platform Costs

The State of Cloud Observability

FinOps, Cloud Center of Excellence, Cloud Observability… These are terms that didn’t exist that long ago, but they’re becoming critically important as your organization moves its infrastructure to the cloud, especially so if your SaaS applications are ‘born’ in the cloud. In your cloud journey, it helps to understand your cloud maturity and how you compare to your peers. 

Our customers come to Yotascale to gain the best visibility into their cloud costs, so it’s important for us to keep up with the current state of understanding and concern around that topic. In recent months, Yotascale worked with the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to sponsor their Distributed Cloud Survey report series, focusing on Cloud Observability, since this is where we help our customers the most. 

Cloud observability is a broad category that encompasses performance monitoring, security monitoring, cost monitoring and more. Yotascale’s cloud cost management solution is just one tool in the arsenal of cloud observability tools that IT / DevOps uses to understand and monitor their cloud infrastructure.

About the ESG Cloud Observability Survey

So, onto the survey itself. First of all, you should know who took the survey.  ESG reached out to enterprise users who were adopting cloud technology and qualified them by several criteria, the most important of which is that they employed, or plan to employ, a cloud observability practice. This qualifier ensures that the results are relevant to folks like you who are looking at their own cloud environments. 

Second, there’s a wealth of great information in the survey that you can read in the ESG Cloud Observability eBook we’ve published, but ESG’s Scott Sinclair said it best:

“Gaining visibility into cloud costs is the first step for enterprises who want to optimize the cost of their cloud infrastructure,” said Scott Sinclair, Practice Director for ESG who led the research study. “Organizations need to operate on average 57% faster than three years ago. Trying to optimize cloud costs at that speed without the aid of a third-party tool leaves many enterprises ill-equipped to have total visibility into their cloud spend and cost attribution, especially for today’s modern architectures and containerized applications.

Cloud Cost Visibility is Fundamental to Cloud Observability

Cloud observability starts with visibility into your cloud infrastructure and costs, which is hard to do without the right tools in place to help you. Cloud cost tracking and allocation are burdensome and time consuming for 84% of organizations, especially in tech industries, where 33% find it extremely burdensome.   That’s why Yotascale was founded, to give our customers the best tool for cloud cost attribution in the industry

It’s worth the effort though. As you will see from the survey, organizations save an average of 33% on their cloud costs and 45% of organizations see significant ongoing savings each month when they use a third party cloud cost management tool1

Download the Cloud Observability eBook

There’s a great deal more to read in the ESG Cloud Observability eBook, and we encourage you to explore! We’re always here to answer your questions and show you more about how Yotascale can help you increase your cloud observability.


1 ESG Distributed Cloud Series: Observability, Feb 2022, Scott Sinclair and Rob Strechay