Yotascale Blog

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What Are The Benefits of RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)?

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a powerful, yet simple, tool for organizations to manage application and data access. RBAC for cloud cost management ensures that the right people have access to the data they need to succeed, without sacrificing data privacy and control.

Multi-Cloud Cost Management Challenges

Multi-cloud infrastructures can complicate multi-cloud cost management and cloud cost visibility. Learn some basic challenges and best practices for multi-cloud cost management.

Yotascale Announces Multi-Cloud Container Cost Allocation and Optimization with Support for Microsoft Azure

Leader in dynamic cloud cost management extends support to Azure customers and enterprises running workloads across both AWS and Azure, including containers and Kubernetes.

Yotascale Brings On Amazon and OneLogin Veteran Jake Reichert as New VP of Engineering

With decades of experience building engineering teams from the ground up, Reichert will bolster Yotascale’s leadership and growth in dynamic cloud cost management.

Exploring AWS Cost Allocation Tags and Best Practices

Creating proper tagging hygiene is fundamental when looking to gain greater visibility in your cloud spend. This blog provides an introduction to tagging in AWS as well as how tags help with categorizing, identifying, and managing resources to effectively govern cloud costs.

We’ve Always Known We Were ‘Cool’

Being recognized as a Gartner “Cool Vendor in Cloud Computing” is very exciting for everyone at Yotascale. Our team has strived to create an innovative solution that our customers depend on to manage the complex cloud environments that are the backbone of their business.